ProAssist - Boston © Summaries
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Melissa DelRossi: Biddeford, Me; 35mm, 120/220; Speedotron, Dynalite, Profoto strobes; Process and Print Color and B&W, process E6; Digital Studio and Editing <more>
Chewie Lin: Boston, MA; 35mm, 120/220; Speaks Chinese <more>
Katherine Castro: Jamaica Plain, MA; 35mm; Broncolor, Elinchrom, Profoto strobes; Set Building, Location Scouting, Speaks Spanish <more>
Meghan Robinson: Warwick, RI; 35mm, 4x5; Profoto strobes; Process and Print B&W, Print Color; Digital Studio and Editing <more>
David Hartman: Cambridge, MA; all formats; many strobe systems and HMI; Process B&W and Print Color; Digital <more>
Jamie Ivins: Worcester, MA; 35mm, 120/220; Profoto strobes; Process B&W, Print B&W; Digital Studio and Editing <more>
Contreras: Boston , MA; 35mm; Speedotron, Norman, Profoto strobes; Digital Studio and Editing <more>
Leise Jones:Jamaica Plain, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Profoto strobes; Process and print B&W, Process C41, Print Color; Digital <more>
Ethan Bickford: Berlin, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Norman strobes; Processes and prints B+W, Prints Color; Digital Studio and Editing <more>
Josh Rubino
: Hanson, MA; 35mm; Broncolor, Dynalite, Profoto Strobes; location scouting <more>
Leah Zimmerman: Allston, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron, Norman and Dynalite strobes; Process B&W <more>
Melissa Jauss: Allston, MA; 35mm; Speedotron, Novatron and Dynalite strobes; prints and <more>
Kate Rossi: Allston, MA; 35mm systems; Dynalite strobes; prints and processes B+W; prints color<more>
Ryan C. McMahon: Allston, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5; Processes and Prints B&W; Digital Editing <more>
James Hopwood: Andover, MA; 35mm, and medium format; Speedotron Stobes; prints and processes B+W; Digital Studio <more>
Shunda Graham: Andover, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Digital Studio; Location Scouting; Prints B&W and Color <more>
Margaret Crow: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron strobes; Digital Studio and Editing <more>
Dan Orlow: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron, Comet, Profoto strobes; Digital Studio and Editing; Process and Prints B&W, Prints <more>
Jeanine Newell
: Boston, MA; 35mm; Dynalite strobes; Digital Studio and Editing; Process and Prints B&W <more>
Eva Reich: Boston, MA; 35mm; Process B&W, Print Color; Digital Studio, Location Scouting; Speaks Spanish. <more>
Lana Caplan: Boston, MA; all formats; many strobe systems; Processes and prints B+W; Digital Studio and Editing; Location Scouting <more>
Noemi de la Torre: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format; Processes and prints B&W, Prints Color; Digital Editing; Speaks Spanish <more>
Peter Stidman: Boston, MA; all formats; all strobes and HMI; Processes and prints B+W; Digital Studio and Editing; Set Building <more>
Meghan Rennie: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron strobes; Processes B&W, C41 and E6 <more>
Tiffany Knight: Boston, MA; 35mm and 4x5 formats; Speedotron strobes; Processes and Prints B&W; Digital Editing <more>
Christina Caturano: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron and Dynalite strobes; Prints and Processes <more>
Jennifer Weber: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron strobes; Prints and Processes B+W, prints color <more>
Scott Slater: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10; Speedotron and Dynalite strobes; Prints and Processes B+W <more>
Alanna Dempewolff-Barrett: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Norman and Dynalite strobes; prints and processes <more>
Susanne Kelly: Boston, MA; 35mm and medium format systems; Prints and processes B+W; Location Scouting <more>
Allana Taranto: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format and 4x5; prints and processes B+W<more>
Michael Spears: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5 systems; prints and processes B+W, E6 <more>
G. Dennis Sagwitz: Boston, MA; 35mm and medium format; Speedotron, Novatron and Dynalite<more>
Becca Bousquet: Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10; many strobe systems; prints and processes <more>
Iain Watson: South Boston, MA; 35mm, medium format; Processes B&W <more>
Tiffany Knight: Boston, MA; all formats; Speedotron, Dynalite strobes; Processes and prints B&W, Prints Color; Digital Studio, Digital Editing, Location <more>
jonathan beller: Boston, ma; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems and HMI; Digital Studio and location scouting <more>
Ariel Mandeville: Brighton, MA; 35mm and 4x5; Processes and Prints B&W, Prints Color <more>
Jeff Parker: Brighton, MA; all formats; many strobe systems; Digital Studio and Editing; Process and Prints B&W, Prints Color <more>
Suzanne Shannon: Brighton, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Processes B&W, C41 and E6 <more>
James Baird: Brighton, MA; 35mm and medium format; Novatron and Dynalite strobes; Prints and Processes B&W; Digital Studio and Editing <more>
Joe Budd: Brighton, MA; all formats; Speedotron, Dynalite, and Elinchrom strobes; Process & Prints B&W, Color and E6 <more>
Bruno Giust: Brookline, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron and Dynalite stobes; Processes and prints B+W; <more>
M. Pshemek Adolf: Brookline, MA; 35mm; many strobe systems; Prints and Processes B+W, prints color; Digital Studio <more>
Casey Kerrick: Brookline, MA; all formats; many strobe systems; Processes and Prints B&W; Digital Studio and <more>
Anirban Deb: Burlington, MA; 35mm systems; prints and processes B+W <more>
Richard Cashin: Cambridge, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Digital Editing; Processes and Prints B&W <more>
Richard Cashin: Cambridge, MA; all formats; Speedotron and Dynalite strobes; Processes B+W, Processes and prints B+W; Digital Editing <more>
Jim Hill: Cambridge, MA; all formats; many strobe systems and HMI; Digital Studio and Editing; Set Building; Location <more>
Joetta Sparks: Cambridge, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron strobes; Set Building and Location Scouting <more>
Val Matthews: Cambridge, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10; Speedotron strobes; Digital Studio and <more>
Christopher Egan: Cambridge, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10 systems; many strobe systems <more>
Bruce Lin: Cambridge, MA; 35mm and 4x5; prints and processes B+W; Novatron strobes <more>
Amy Butts: Cambridge, MA;
Jeremy Nelson: Dorchester, MA; all formats; Speedotron, Norman, Novatron strobes; Process & Print B&W, Print Color<more>
Jaimie Arnold: Duxbury, MA; 35mm, medium format; Speedotron, Norman, Novatron strobes; Processes B+W, prints color and B+W; <more>
Michelle Firmani: Fitchburg, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many stobe systems; Processes and prints color and B+W; <more>
B. Bruce Brinson: Framingham, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Digital Studio, Set Building, Location Scouting <more>
Rebecca Skinner: Franklin, MA; 35mm <more>
Donna Taylor: Greenfield, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Process and Print B&W, Print Color; Digital Studio and Editing, Set Building, Location Scouting <more>
Paul S. Robinson: Halifax, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; prints and <more>
Paul Specht: Hatfield, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Prints B&W and Color <more>
Kevin Bacon: Haverhill, MA; 35mm, medium format and 4x5; prints and processes B+W, processes E6 <more>
John Blanchette: Holliston, MA; 35mm; Digital Editing; Location Scouting <more>
Mary Casserly: Holliston, MA; 35mm; Process & Prints B&W, Color and E6; Digital Studio, Digital Editing. Speaks French. <more>
Ken Scott: Hudson, MA; all formats; Speedotron, Dynalite, and Elinchrom strobes; Digital Studio and Editing <more>
Ethan Bickford: Jamaica Plain, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Norman and Dynalite Strobes; Process B&W, Prints B&W and Color <more>
Brian Diescher: Jamaica Plain, MA; all formats; Speedotron, Norman and Dynalite strobes; Digital Studio; Processes <more>
Seth Daniel: Jamaica Plain, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems.<more>
Morgan Cohen: Jamaica Plain, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems.<more>
Neal Millman: Jamaica Plain, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5; Speedotron and Dynalite strobes; Processes B&W, prints B&W and Color <more>
Tony Tieuli: Lowell, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10; Speedotron, Norman, Dynalite strobes; prints and processes <more>
Lucio Lecce: Malden, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5; Speedotron strobes; Processes and prints B&W; Speaks Italian <more>
Matthew Guillory: Malden, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10; many strobe systems and HMI; Prints and Processes B+W <more>
Joe Repole: Malden, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10; many strobe systems and HMI <more>
Carol L. Marcely: Malden, MA; 35mm systems and Novatron Strobes.  <more>
Vanessa Oat: Manomet, MA; 35mm; speaks French; location scouting skills <more>
Glenn Mosesso: Marshfield, MA; 35mm, and medium format; processes B+W, <more>
Amaren Colosi: Medford, MA; 35mm and medium format; Dynalite strobes; Prints and Processes B+W; prints color <more>
David Sullivan: Melrose, MA; all formats; many strobe systems; Processes B&W, C41 and E6; Prints B&W and Color <more>
Robert Foster: Nantucket, MA; 35mm and medium format; Speedotron, Novatron, Dynalite strobes; prints and <more>
John Nunziato: Natick, MA; 35mm and 4x5; Speedotron and Norman strobes; Location Scouting; Current Passport <more>
Karl Baierlein: Needham, MA; 35mm, medium format <more>
James Carew: Newburyport, MA; 35mm <more>
Angela Simpson: Newtonville, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron and Dynalite strobes; Process C41, Print Color; Digital Editing and Studio <more>
Robert Faucher: North Andover, MA; 35mm and medium format; prints and processes B+W; Digital Editing<more>
Ken Scott: Northboro, MA; 35mm and medium format; Elinchrom strobes; prints and processes B+W <more>
Timothy Renzi: Quincy, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Broncolor strobes; Process B&W, Print B&W, Print Color <more>
Kaycee Klingaman: Roxbury, MA; 35mm and 4x5; Processes and Prints B&W <more>
John Head: Somerville, MA; 35mm and MF; Speedotron, Novatron, Dynalite, Profoto strobes; Set Building <more>
Katie Suczynski: Somerville, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Digital Studio, Digital Editing, Location Scouting; Speaks French <more>
Andrew pickering: Somerville, MA; 35mm; Process & Prints B&W, Color and E6 <more>
Doris Christine Gunsolus: Somerville, MA; 35mm systems and many strobe systems; Digital editing <more>
Josh Reynolds: Somerville, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10; many strobe systems; Processes C41 and E6 <more>
Kim Messier: South Dartmouth, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Processes and Prints B&W, Prints Color <more>
Joyce Cadena: Tewksbury, MA; 35mm systems; Prints and processes B+W; digital studio and editing <more>
Courtney Stockus: Turners Falls, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Profoto Strobes; Digital Editing and Location Scouting <more>
Russ Mezikofsky: Wakefield, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Digital Editing <more>
Steve Dillard: Wakefield, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Prints and Processes B+W; Digital <more>
Emily Ostermiller: Watertown, MA; 35mm; Location Scouting <more>
Rodrigo Blanco: Westboro, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Digital Studio and Editing; Prints <more>
Jeremy Graves: Westborough, MA; 35mm and medium format; Speedotron strobes; Prints and Processes B&W <more>
Christopher Motta: Westport, MA; all formats; Speedotron, Dynalite, and HMI systems; Processes and Prints B&W, Print Color; Digital <more>
Colleen Rugg: Winthrop, MA; 35mm, 8x10; Speedotron strobes; Processes C41 and Prints B&W; Digital Studio, Digital Editing, Set Building <more>
Aaron Washington: Whitinsville, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems and HMI; Process and Print B&W, Process E6 and C41, Print Color <more>
Debbie Weightman: Woburn, MA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Set Building <more>
Jeff White: Worcester, MA; 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10; many strobe systems and HMI <more>
Sid Ceaser: Nashua, NH; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Norman and Profoto strobe systems; Digital Studio and Editing; Prints Color <more>
Jodi Marie Ramos: Manchester, NH; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron, Dynalite, Elinchrom strobes; Process and Print B&W, Print Color <more>
Nathan Fierley: Amherst, NH; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron and Novatron strobes; Digital Studio and Editing, Set Building, Location Scouting <more>
Jeff Larish: Manchester, NH; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Digital Studio and Editing, Set Building, Location Scouting <more>
Kyle Normandin: New Boston, NH; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Profoto Strobes <more>
Dan Brady: Derry, NH; 35mm, medium format, 4x5; Speedotron, Broncolor, and Dynalite strobes; Processes and Prints B&W; Prints Color <more>
Mark Cassese: Pembroke, NH; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5 systems; many strobe systems; Set <more>
Garth Tichy: Peterborough, NH; 35mm, medium format, 4x5 and 8x10; Novatron strobes; prints and processes B+W, <more>
Keith Ryan: Henniker, NH; 35mm and medium format; Novatron, Broncolor, Dynalite, Elinchrom strobes; Prints Color; Digital Studio and Editing <more>
Rene Minnis: Limington, ME; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems and HMI; Prints and Processes B+W; <more>
Andrea Meehan: Saco, ME; <more>
Deb Strout: Portland, ME; 35mm; Dynalite strobes; Process B&W, Print B&W, Print Color; Digital Studio, Location Scouting <more>
Kristen Pierson: Coventry, RI; Processes B&W and Prints Color; Digital Editing <more>
Stephen Savard: Providence, RI; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; Digital Studio and Editing, Set Building, Location Scouting <more>
William M. Byrd: Providence, RI; 35mm and 4x5; Speedotron strobes; prints and processes B+W <more>
Karen Froment: Woonsocket, RI; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems and HMI; Prints and Processes <more>
Kristen Pierson: RI; 35mm; Digital Editing; Processes and Prints B&W, Prints Color <more>
J. Ernest Brush: Milford, CT; 35mm, medium format; Digital Studio and Editing; Processes color and B+W, prints B+W; <more>
Glenn Stewart: Manchester, CT; 35mm, medium format, 4x5; Digital Studio, Location Scouting <more>
Michelle Barrett: Brookfield, CT; 35mm, medium format; Norman strobes; Digital Editing, Set Building, Location Scouting <more>
Erin C. King: Bristol, CT; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; prints and processes B+W, process <more>
Stacey Mioduszewski: Plainfield, CT; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Processes and prints B&W, Process E6; Digital Studio and Editing <more>
Eric R Trudel: West Hartford, CT; all formats; Virtually all strobes + HMI; Prints B+W, processes all; Digital Studio/editing <more>
Randy Thieben
: Pebble Beach, CA; 35mm, and 4x5; many strobe systems and HMI; Digital Editing, Set Building, Speaks spanish; Process and Print B&W <more>
Mike Nielsen; Huntington Beach, CA; all formats; many strobe systems; Digital Studio, Digital Editing, Set Building <more>
Joshua Goodman: Los Angeles, CA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron strobes; motion picture camera cert. <more>
Ben Miller: Berkeley, CA; 35mm and medium formats; Speedotron and Dynalite strobes; Digital Studio and Editing, Location Scouting. Speaks Some French.<more>
Scott Serata: Richmond, CA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobes systems; Prints and Processes B+W; Location <more>
Danielle Goulet: Santa Barbara, CA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems; prints and processes <more>
Christopher Nichols: Council Bluffs, IA; 35mm and medium format; Novatron and Broncolor strobe <more>
Daniel Hurst: McMinnville, OR; 35mm, medium format, 4x5; prints color and B+W; <more>
Tim Olsen: Minnetonka, MN; all formats; many strobe systems and HMI; Prints Color and B+W; Processes B+W and C41 <more>
David Anderson: Minneapolis, MN; 35mm, medium format, 4x5; Speedotron, Norman, Novatron strobes; Process E6, Processes and Prints Color <more>
Jeffrey Benjamin: Salt Lake City, UT; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; Speedotron, Broncolor, Dynalite stobes <more>
Jeremy Kirby: Seattle, WA; 35mm, medium format, and 4x5; many strobe systems and HMI; Digital Editing, Set Building <more>
Christen Giugliano: Seattle, WA; 35mm, 4x5; Speedotron and Norman strobes; Processes and prints B&W, Prints Color; Digital Editing <more>